1. someone robbed a dairy queen at gun point and actually held people hostage
2. Michael Vick.
What is the world coming to? Those two things alone really have made me believe the apocolypse is truly upon us. Then again, on that note, I'd like to say that any ailment can be cured, or atleast relieved by simply looking a cute picture of a puppy!

So now that I'm smiling again maybe I should elaborate a bit more on life the past few weeks. Having a house is wonderful, I love every inch of the entire experience. There's no way to describe it... I truly feel like a "grown up." I think that the most difficult time in someone's life are the transition periods... high school to college, college to "real world"... Highschool to college is easy... you meet your friends, you have a ton of fun, accomplish a lot, learn a ton... ultimately grow. College to "real world" served to be a bit tough for me... jam packed full of heart break, disappointment, unemployment, separation anxiety from my friends... Well, and then... then I met Mike. Everything fell into place, my poor little broken, stomped on, trampled, empty, whatever was left of my heart got a complete overhaul and everything I thought I knew about men went completely out the window. Thank god for that, because I was NOT doing so well when it came to the opposite sex, my endless string of useless relationships was really starting to take it toll when every low life scum bag dick I dated slowly took a piece of my heart with them when they screwed me over... I honestly thought I had nothing left to give. They all tell you, "when you know, you just know" and I thought that for sure that was a crock of steaming shit, because I thought I new everything... However, I'll be damned, because when you know, you just know. And believe it or not this time I KNOW. A lot of people were critical, actually still are critical of my relationship with Mike... We've only been dating 9 months and we already have a house, 2 dogs, a mortgage, we're eachother's beneficiaries for christ sake. This is some serious shit.
not to interrupt my proclamation of love for my boyfriend... but there's some HYSTERICAL shit going on in the lab right now... my mom just called and told me that my phone bill is 100 dollars.... and I used 0 ZERO of 5000 MINUTES HAH! Fuck you AT&T!!! Then amanda got in a fist fight with kevin, now elmer's all up in this shit
OMG. Rediculous!!!!!! NEVER A DULL MOMENT here at ICO.