Wednesday, February 10, 2010

my first tutorial :-)

...and my first official DIY!
My birdcage veil ;-)
Total cost: about $5
Total labor: About 2 hours (in reality with playing with the dogs, cooking and 1 do-over)Total Actual labor: about 30 mins

Needle and thread (already had it...)
Barrette/ hair comb or headband (already had it)
14 x 9 peice of russian netting (e-bay $4)
3 starfish (already had it)
2 pearls (super cheap, already had some though..)
little "mother of pearl" lookin' sea shells (e-bay 100 for $5, I used like 10)
Scissors (hah had them too)
Hot glue gun with glue of course (best $2 I ever spend like 9 years ago)
Gorilla glue (not pictured, $.99) there's glue in that pic. that didn't work. damn you billy mayes.

First cut the netting, at first I had a 14 x 14 square... it was just too full for me so I then made it 9 X 14. I also cut the corners off... so the netting shape was like a house with the roof tip cut off.

Thread a need through it, going through each diamond in the netting.

Gather the netting. Hot glue to whatever you're using that's going to hold it in your hair. I'm only wearing mine for the ceremony so I figured whatever I could find in my bag o' tricks was good enough. I found one of these

I hot glued the gathered veil to the top. Tried it on to make sure it was the right length and volume for me..
Then I assembled the starfish, shells and pearls on a nail file... A popsicle stick or a tongue depressor would have been ideal, but we're snowed in... so I improvised.
Finally I hot glued the nail file to the barrette.


escuse my lack of make-up and my poor poor attempt at an up-do. lol

1 comment:

  1. I will be trying this for my wedding in August im making a traditional veil for the ceremony but i wanted something fun and cute for the reception :) Thank you!
