Wednesday, March 31, 2010


found a new blog today!!!

Man, I just love it. Check this one out...

Since we're doing a buffet, this would be a perfect idea for the menu! AND the signature drink menu as well!! (less paper in the trash afterwards!!) Plus, I ordered about a million little frames that I have no idea what to do with... BAM use them for "food labeling" on the buffets! plus, i'm a big fan of my handwriting... so horray! I love this idea... LOVE IT! I'm not sure if i've stressed this quite enough but... THIS is not what I want my wedding aftermath to look like....

I much much much prefer a lot of this...

So, an alternative to *gasp* plastic forks...

and *GASP* plastic plates for cake...

NO PLASTIC ANYTHING!! Yes, I understand I work in a plastic factory and if it weren't for plastic I'd be out of a job... BUT I also make sure they aren't bringing in carcinogens, dumping things down the drain, using eco-friendly cleaners, 100% recycled paper, recycling ink cartridges, have the right permits, and bla bla bla ANYWAY... the less paper and plastic that we use at our wedding the better for us, the better for our pocket, the better for the environment! :-) At the end of the evening, I would like to be able to load all our "trash" into my car and bring it home for composting. Plates, napkins, yes even forks.. compost is our friend! So one day, when my garden is sprouting pretty veggies and flowers I will be able to thank all our wedding guests for contributing a plate or a fork or a napkin to our compost heap. <3 Plus, all our reusable goodies will be, you guessed it, REUSED! Perhaps in our house, perhaps in somone elses... perhaps sold on ebay. Nothing will go to waste... So please don't wrap our wedding presents in anything but old newspapers... no trees need to be sacrificed for this wedding!!!!!

i leave you with this.... *sigh* oh to have room to store 300 mismatched vintage chairs...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dresses Dresses Dresses!!!!!

So, Sandra's wedding is in May and I need a dress!!! Do I utilize my new found love of bridesmaids dresses? I think I just might... I know I will be doing the same for dear Melinda and Eric's wedding. I'll be looking for a tea-length for Sandra's and a full-length for Melinda's. So yes, I will be spending some time at Beautiful Beginnings in the near future... Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps... I'll begin scouring the internet for something riiiight now. Actually, I know what I'll be wearing to Sandra's wedding, how dare I forget my first love! VICKY'S!!... a Victoria's Secret convertible dress which is on sale for 49.99 right now, plus I have a $10 off coupon (starting April 1st!) I'd post a pic... but due to the "lude" nature of the Vicky's model's my work has blocked the website.. go figure. HIZZAH! too bad work! I found a picture on another site!!! Thank you, google images!!

Anywho... for Melinda and Erics wedding I'm thinking something like this...

assuming this style isn't anything like her BM dresses... I should look into that... haha I would like to go with a purple or a pink color :-)

AND, the all so very important bridesmaid's dress search may have come to an end... I leave you with this dress... Dessy-after six style 6576

pictured in banana and palomino... we'll see which on is more the "champagne/gold" I had envisioned when we go see this dress! :-)

Well, so much for dress shopping... looks like I have my picks' pics!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ms. Indeshoesive.

So, shoe indecision dilemma. After having my ruffley red heels on the with the dress last night I'm recondisering them for 3 reasons
1. I will probably trip.
2. I don't want to have to do a shoe change
3. I want a red crinoline.

I had to take a sick day and go to the doctor so I spent most of the day searching for champagne ruffley flats. I have a terrible sinus infection and felt like I got punched in the face.. so I'm on steroids, antibiotics and nasal spray. But that's besides the point.

I found the attached picture. They are from fashion bug and they're cheap!!! haha I love them, I'm going to get them.

I've heard of other brides having a pretty large shoe collection by the time of their wedding and since I found the perfect dress so early in the game, I think its okay to change my shoe-mind a few times. So, we're taking the count to 3.

1. ruffley red heels
2. red mary jane crocs.
3. champagne ruffley flats.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Call me shredder...




Yep... so, I'm a little infatuated with this dvd now... I just realized that 20mins's of this can seriously work up a sweat... So yes, bought hand weighs (only 2 lb though). This is day 3, did level 2 (with weights) yesterday and today again... funny story though, to show how overly ambitious I am. I went to work early today, at 1pm, to do "new employee orientation" and worked til 10pm. I didn't have time to do the shred before I left for work so I brought my weights, a towel (for abs) and sneakers and did the shred on my lunch break in my office. Amanda, the other lab tech thought it was pretty entertaining and decided to watch me do the warm up. lol Anyway, level 2 kicks my butt but leaves me feeling fantastic!!! I'm not worried about my weight but I do love me a good work out! I can't wait to try level 3!! Oh man, I'm a little scared. Maybe I'll save that for the weekend!

now, if only my face would cooperate... hmmm... I've been debating trying a bunch of new things but they're all really expensive... I wish the government had a program to write off wedding expenses...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

*gasp* using the internet at work

So, I've given into temptation and boredom and am surfing the web on my work computer. The only things I've done thus far today is checked wedding bee and found the "etsy wedding street team" blog! AHHH, it is my new favorite thing.

Anyway, I caught wind of the Becker-mitten's booking a mini vacation and that got me thinking... I would adore a mini vacay! I haven't yet talked to Michael about it but I hope he'll be onboard.... I'm up for anything as long as there is sunshine and a pool!!!!! So I will also be doing a travelocity search in the next minute or two... I adore the sunshine!

Did I mention we booked our venue? I forget... but yes, we have officially put down a deposit and worked out a few kinks. The contract was very standard, no need for a older brotherly consult as anticipated and our coordinator was a little less "out there" than before. She even gave us a card for a non-demoninational officiant! And she was VERY excited about some of the plans we already have... We would like to plant a tree at the ceremony... which would mean our venue would have to allow us space to plant one... Guess what ?! Consider it done! That was really exciting to me...

Oh yes, so I've been hearing "The 30 Day Shred" is ALL the rage. So I tried it out today... Level 1. Well, it was rediculously easy... So I've heard on the Bee that some Bees have been doing level one for months and just can't get past it... Well, I'll be starting Level 2 tomorrow. I refuse to use hand weights though... call me crazy but not only do I have NO upper body strength, as soon as I do some kind of strenuous arm-strengthening activity my boobs shrink. Now, that may be TMI for some of you... but I don't really care this is my blog, read at your own will. ANYWAY, I do not feel like sacrificing my full c's for a smaller waist. First of all, that work out was much more arm and butt oriented than I had hoped. The only thing that needs slimming for this bride to bee in her waist. So really, Jillian, you have failed me. However, before I completely discredit the 30 Day Shred and manly Jillian Michaels in all her akward glory, I'll give level 2 and 3 a try first. Then, if back to Julliane Hough's Cardio Ballroom... which I ADORE for many reasons. 1. Julianne is ADORABLE 2. She says "booty" a lot and I like that word. 3. Its fun. 4. It actually works my abs. and 5. Its a lot longer!!! Now, some people may be saying "WTF is this bitch completely off her rocker? A LONGER WORKOUT?" well call me crazy but I've got some stamina... afterall I used to be a cheerleader. Regardless... after level 1 of the SHRED I decided to take the dogs for a walk... err I mean, let Thor take me and Pepito for a walk. Now THAT is a workout... full body engaged in being drug down the street by a 100lb ELEPHANT closely followed by little Pito scuffling along. Its really cute to watch I'm sure, and don't think Pepito doesn't like his walks with his big brother... the little guy would rather run the whole time anyway... The point of all this is that I was really disappointed by this "SHRED" everyone keeps talking about... REALLY DISAPPOINTED. If I wanted to pretend to jump rope and do jumping jacks I would go to CURVES with all the old ladies... I want a stinking WORK OUT PLEASE!!!!!! So, Jillian, you better do better tomorrow with level 2. That's all I'm saying... I will resell your DVD on ebay.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Need I remind you all, the one thing on my mind before I found theeese lovelies...

was infact, red shoes, red shoes!, RED SHOES!!! :-D Then I found this picture...
and now I realize, I have to help my girls find, you guessed it... RED SHOES!! Hizzah! I'm excited. I'm actually more excited about the red shoes than I am about the fabulous $30 bridesmaids' dress that may or may not work for the BM's but may very well work for a bridal party dress! As a matter of fact... I might have to wear it to Sanda's BP instead of my own... Either way, this dress has purpose. I'm also super excited to get my mail this week! The FEDEX man and I are truly having a secret love affair... he brings me the goods, that's for sure. lol. As you saw previously, my list of things enroute to Clayton Ave are an assorted mix of all things wedding.

Work today was pretty awful... all my "wedding documents" were surrendered with a virus ridden computer. When I say "wedding documents" I mean, one sole document which included...
1. The Guest List.
2. A poem I wrote and never saved anywhere else
3. The "song list"
4. ALL my inspiration pictures...(cakes, hair, favors, decorations, etc) Imagine if I made this number all separate cetegories?!?!
5. A page of helpful websites.
7. Some things I forget...

I know there were more things... about 35 pages of things... On top of that... work is blocking a ton of websites... which means I can now no longer innocently google search things like.. "red peep toe pumps" or "starfish bouquets" or "when do daisies bloom?" or "how to make a birdcage veil" or "non-denominational ceremonies" or "RSVP postcards" just to name a few...

On a positive note... I found things in the trash (at work) I can use to make our cardbox. I'll leave the details for a DIY blog. I guess I can never say my job "gave back.." Anyway, its time for bed I believe... Did I mention I can't blog at work anymore either? :-(