Man, I just love it. Check this one out...

Since we're doing a buffet, this would be a perfect idea for the menu! AND the signature drink menu as well!! (less paper in the trash afterwards!!) Plus, I ordered about a million little frames that I have no idea what to do with... BAM use them for "food labeling" on the buffets! plus, i'm a big fan of my handwriting... so horray! I love this idea... LOVE IT! I'm not sure if i've stressed this quite enough but... THIS is not what I want my wedding aftermath to look like....

I much much much prefer a lot of this...

So, an alternative to *gasp* plastic forks...
and *GASP* plastic plates for cake...
NO PLASTIC ANYTHING!! Yes, I understand I work in a plastic factory and if it weren't for plastic I'd be out of a job... BUT I also make sure they aren't bringing in carcinogens, dumping things down the drain, using eco-friendly cleaners, 100% recycled paper, recycling ink cartridges, have the right permits, and bla bla bla ANYWAY... the less paper and plastic that we use at our wedding the better for us, the better for our pocket, the better for the environment! :-) At the end of the evening, I would like to be able to load all our "trash" into my car and bring it home for composting. Plates, napkins, yes even forks.. compost is our friend! So one day, when my garden is sprouting pretty veggies and flowers I will be able to thank all our wedding guests for contributing a plate or a fork or a napkin to our compost heap. <3 Plus, all our reusable goodies will be, you guessed it, REUSED! Perhaps in our house, perhaps in somone elses... perhaps sold on ebay. Nothing will go to waste... So please don't wrap our wedding presents in anything but old newspapers... no trees need to be sacrificed for this wedding!!!!!
i leave you with this.... *sigh* oh to have room to store 300 mismatched vintage chairs...

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