oh wedding planning... so many ideas! I hope it all comes together. Its hard to imagine some of my ideas in all their glory when they are sitting in the closet in the basement...
i keep trying to put my "theme" into words... so here are a few words for thought...
Sunset, Sand, Champagne.... Now to eleborate... my bm's will be wearing champagne/gold, I will be wearing "soft white." All the flowers will be red. I've been trying to convince michael to wear a linen/tan colored suit but he hasn't been receptive to the idea... It really screws my vision. I don't like black, never really did... but Mike seems to think its the only appropriate color for him to wear... Now how sexy is this?!

Now, I understand its his wedding too and all that crap... but why is this the only thing he has to butt heads with me about? everything else he's just like "yeah that's nice" "i like that" "whatever you want hunny." When it comes to the suits black is what he wants... why? no logical reason... will someone talk some sense into this man?!?! Annnd, the BM dress I fell in love with, I'm no longer in love with... *sigh* This wedding planning thing is a constant "back to the drawing board" process. On the positive end of things... Alice bought me some plain, rather sturdy well constructed flower girl baskets today for $2 a peice. So, the veil that I made and dismantled seems to be a perfect accent! Starfish, pearls and shells... I already have a great idea using tulle and ribbon for the handle... We'll see how that works out.
As far as invites are concerned... I've picked out cardstock and paper as well as envelopes! I'm very excited about my decisions! Thanks to Kristi for showing me the website! It should only cost about $300 dollars for supplies... (estimating 150 invitations) and grossly overestimating the amount of paper and cardstock I need seeing as though i will need extra for placecards and what not... Also, since they are only going to be printed in black, i'm going to use my printer at work... it'll only be about 75 pages (2 invites per page) so I don't even feel bad about it... The color on the invites I will be handstamping with stamps I bought from e-bay for 5 dollars. Oh yes, that 300# includes the envelopes for the save the dates as well. On top of that, I already have a million and 1 address labels... and the RSVP postcards were only 6 dollars from vistaprint... So the total "suite" will cost about $3 (that includes the STD magnets) My lab partner is in for a treat... I want to hand address everything so I'm going to ask her to help out... oddly enough we have REDICULOUSLY similar handwriting... even we can't tell the difference sometimes. So it'll be like cloning myself and cutting the work in half! Phew, invitations were hard... I have like 42 envelope samples... so if I have to send any letters to anyone in the near future and you get a really fancy envelope you know why! Haha
Can I quit my job and become a wedding planner? Ooooo and a florist on the side... *sigh*
Time for shredding!!! Level 3 you get me everytime.
Poo on Michael! I love the look of linen suits too...and I think he would look good in that with his complexion. Come on Michael...jump on the bandwagon!!!!!!!!