When I showed them to Michael he said the most dreaded word in wedding planning history... TACKY. *shudder* THEN the Ryans of the wedding party also said the word... I like to think of this as the "vuldemort" of wedding planning... "he who must not be named.." "that of which we do not speak..." The T work completely and seriously pushes my buttons, in this "case" my beer caps. (ohhh puns) Soooooo this t-work fiasco has prompted me to rethink my decision for my "wedding day surprise" for Michael but, that's a secret... So YET AGAIN Michael (who claims to want NO part in planning the wedding) has made me go back to the drawing board. Yes, made ME go back to the drawing board... he only wants to veto and nix ideas not EVER come up with ANY of this own. YES the capital letters are made to STRESS my ANGER over the WHOLE SITUATION!
Well, etsy to the rescue this time because I DO have ANOTHER idea for cuff links. Michael actually used an exclamation point to respond to the "what about this..." text message which, is like... completely unheard of in Michael land. Mr. Straighasanarrow got EXCITED about something for the wedding... and of all things? CUFF LINKS. Well, here it is...

My little pirate himself has unused treasure all over the house, I can't believe I didn't think of using his coins for things before... BUT we don't want a pirate wedding all bootied out with glass eyes and wooden legs strewn about now do we? Well, I think they are just darling and much less *gasp* "tacky" than the beer caps. And, they got a rise out of the man... so how can I say no? I think I will utilize the maintenance department here at work... soldering or welding these coins to the blank cuff links...
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