Saturday, June 27, 2009

a butterfly with wet wings...

Ah yes, yet another Saturday spent at ICO... while everyone else is sipping frosty beverages, soaking up the sun and laughing with their friends and loved ones... here i rott. Now, I must say that althought I despise working on Saturdays, I find it necessary to eat up as much company time as possible... because, afterall, I spend a majority of my time here surfing the internet, blogging, and of course facebook stalking. So all in all, I'm not necessarily the loser here. However, I think I'm low on vitamin D from lack of sunlight. I'm also low on excitement... due to the excessive amounts of time spent reading the news and catching up on the latest celebrity gossip, which really in turn, makes me low on brain cells as well. All work and no play make Tara... TaraBull. Hmmf. I truly want to throw a full on temper tantrum... stomping feet, crying, throwing things, yelling and all... WAHHH!!! :'(

To be completely honest, I could walk out the door right now and no one could even say anything about it. Saturday is "make your own schedule day." But unfortunately I'm feeling guilty about the 30$ bar tab Mike and I racked up at Cousins last night... and I just feel a bit better knowing that I'm making up for it. Consequently that means giving up another Saturday that could be spent drinking and socializing. I think the biggest blow this job has produced has been to my social life. I'm like a butterfly with wet wings... *sigh*

I guess this is the American dream... work your life away to have things you can't really afford. Yet, we forge on... a whole shit ton of us... 90% of our lives consist of work, sleep and food leaving a mere 10% for fun activities. You'd think spending this much time working... you couldn't even fathom spending 100% of your paycheck, in 10% of your time... but oh yes, it happens.

Its absurd to wrap my mind around the fact I've been doing this job for nearly a year... I'm surprised I have any friends at all... I truly am that girl who always works. Crap.

And this is my entertainment for the day... :-P

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