Less than 1 week til closing and I'm absolutely ecstatic. Everything is falling so nicely into place. All the peices of the puzzle are present and accounted for. We have all our ducks in a row and our eggs in plenty of different baskets. The paint colors are picked, the furniture is gathered, fridge is on hold, hot tub is bought, boxes are collected, schedules are cleared, parents' have been alerted. There's no stopping us now... homeownership, here we come.
I thought that the most exciting day of my life would be a toss up between getting married and having a baby... but this house-buying thing has got to be up there. So far, buying a house is definately better than getting a puppy... a big-girl job... moving across the country... graduating college... my first apartment... graduating highschool... first car... prom... my first kiss... first date... but then again, I guess the excitement progresses as the years go by... and all these firsts are the building blocks of the next. Its times like these where I wish i kept a scrapbook of all the first in my life. For what an accomplishment it would be looking at the progression from graduating kindergarten.. losing my baby teeth... so on and so on until today, right now, all grown up, in love and buying a house.
Ever since college I've had some kind of complex that no matter where I lived, no place felt like home... I was constantly clicking together my ruby slippers in hopes something would wisk me away to a place I could call home... Maybe along that yellow brick road of life I've learned all the lessons I'll ever need to know.... I'm thrilled to say that I no longer feel like a drifter.

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