Now I'm no genius... the days of the week tend the blur together in a mishmosh of memories when you work on the weekends...
I guess in the end it doesn't really matter what day it actually is... but its nice to know... if i were to get in a horrific car accident and the EMT's asked me what day it was.. I'm certain I would answer incorrectly. Do I have brain damage? Or am I simply a work-a-holic? Maybe there's truly no difference between the two... I am disabled... time-disabled, socially disabled... I believe this is an illness that plagues many. Perhaps there should be a W.A. work-a-holics anonymous. The largest orgnization of hardworking Americans plagued by bills and mortgages, mouths to feed... Government funded.... mandatory weekly meetings... 12 hours of social interaction among peers away from the workplace. Paid weekly vacation for all. Decreases in crime... increase in buying, increase in libido! What a dream.
Dear Mr. President Obama,
Work-a-holism is plaguing the country. I am proposing that work-a-holics be compensated for their emotional stress. We are disabled human beings. Work-a-holics suffer from depression, insomnia, constant worry, anxiety, back aches, neck aches, bunyons, tendonitis, carpal tunnel, arthritis, muscle aches, pains, early onset diabetes, erectile dysfunction even! And, that's just scratching the surface. We need fair and just compensation for our troubles. It is work-a-holics that keep this country going... the over-worked, the under-paid, the shit on, the underdogs, the low man on the totem pole, the always deserving of a raise that never sees a dime, the over-taxed, the un-insured, the 2 job man, the penny pincher, the smart shopper. We are socially disabled, sleep deprived, broke, bill paying, law abiding citizens who need a break, a paid vacation, a free massage, a shopping spree, a hug, a new car, a raise, a tax deduction, a pre-paid credit card, an interest free loan, free education, and for Christ's sake free health care. Throw us a freaking bone here!!!
The concerned citizens of America.

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