Tuesday, March 2, 2010

*gasp* using the internet at work

So, I've given into temptation and boredom and am surfing the web on my work computer. The only things I've done thus far today is checked wedding bee and found the "etsy wedding street team" blog! AHHH, it is my new favorite thing.

Anyway, I caught wind of the Becker-mitten's booking a mini vacation and that got me thinking... I would adore a mini vacay! I haven't yet talked to Michael about it but I hope he'll be onboard.... I'm up for anything as long as there is sunshine and a pool!!!!! So I will also be doing a travelocity search in the next minute or two... I adore the sunshine!

Did I mention we booked our venue? I forget... but yes, we have officially put down a deposit and worked out a few kinks. The contract was very standard, no need for a older brotherly consult as anticipated and our coordinator was a little less "out there" than before. She even gave us a card for a non-demoninational officiant! And she was VERY excited about some of the plans we already have... We would like to plant a tree at the ceremony... which would mean our venue would have to allow us space to plant one... Guess what ?! Consider it done! That was really exciting to me...

Oh yes, so I've been hearing "The 30 Day Shred" is ALL the rage. So I tried it out today... Level 1. Well, it was rediculously easy... So I've heard on the Bee that some Bees have been doing level one for months and just can't get past it... Well, I'll be starting Level 2 tomorrow. I refuse to use hand weights though... call me crazy but not only do I have NO upper body strength, as soon as I do some kind of strenuous arm-strengthening activity my boobs shrink. Now, that may be TMI for some of you... but I don't really care this is my blog, read at your own will. ANYWAY, I do not feel like sacrificing my full c's for a smaller waist. First of all, that work out was much more arm and butt oriented than I had hoped. The only thing that needs slimming for this bride to bee in her waist. So really, Jillian, you have failed me. However, before I completely discredit the 30 Day Shred and manly Jillian Michaels in all her akward glory, I'll give level 2 and 3 a try first. Then, if back to Julliane Hough's Cardio Ballroom... which I ADORE for many reasons. 1. Julianne is ADORABLE 2. She says "booty" a lot and I like that word. 3. Its fun. 4. It actually works my abs. and 5. Its a lot longer!!! Now, some people may be saying "WTF is this bitch completely off her rocker? A LONGER WORKOUT?" well call me crazy but I've got some stamina... afterall I used to be a cheerleader. Regardless... after level 1 of the SHRED I decided to take the dogs for a walk... err I mean, let Thor take me and Pepito for a walk. Now THAT is a workout... full body engaged in being drug down the street by a 100lb ELEPHANT closely followed by little Pito scuffling along. Its really cute to watch I'm sure, and don't think Pepito doesn't like his walks with his big brother... the little guy would rather run the whole time anyway... The point of all this is that I was really disappointed by this "SHRED" everyone keeps talking about... REALLY DISAPPOINTED. If I wanted to pretend to jump rope and do jumping jacks I would go to CURVES with all the old ladies... I want a stinking WORK OUT PLEASE!!!!!! So, Jillian, you better do better tomorrow with level 2. That's all I'm saying... I will resell your DVD on ebay.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for booking the reception site!

    Honestly if you aren't going to use hand weights then the 30 Day Shred probably isn't going to be as beneficial for you as it is for others. It was designed to be a combined workout so if you are not using hand weights it is going to be MUCH, MUCH easier. If you like doing something purely aerobic like the Cardio Ballroom I'd skip the Shred and just stick to that.
